Bob Smith wrote:

>  I don't know much about Horowitz, but both leftists and rightists paint
>their "enemies" in the worst possible light.
So do "centrists". We see this every day, in that trite journalistic
phrase, "eschewing the extremes of left and right." I will let the Right
defend its own turf, but virtually every valuable social advance in
modern times started out as an "extreme" left position. Today's centrism
is little but yesterday's leftism taken for granted.

More to the point, are you saying that pointing out the evil of your
opponent's positions makes you evil also, that there is no moral
difference, say, between Pat Robertson saying that feminists want to
destroy families, kill their children, become lesbians, and practice
witchcraft, and feminists replying, on the basis of that evidence and
much else, that Pat Robertson is a raving demagogue? Seems like this is a
prescription for political impotence, if you ask me.

