On Thu, 29 May 1997, DDeBar wrote:

Tresy wrote:

> > Perhaps many of these thorny issues would be moot in the anarchist
> > utopia, where all exchanges of property and labor somehow take place on
> > an equal footing and therefore presumptively noncoercively (although I
> > would love to hear how IP laws would wither away under such a system).

On Thu, 29 May 1997, DDeBar replied:

> Hahahahaha. EXACTLY!!! (I love to see the onus placed on these folks,
> instead of on Marxists...except, Marx's (and Engel's, and Lenin's)
> "withering away" never had the metaphysical burden that anarchists labor
> under!)

What's the burden? People could learn to respect and acknowledge inventors
without having to resort to IP laws. But if some communities  can't or won't
learn, then they can keep the laws. There is nothing that is inevitable
within anarchist thought. Anarchism encourages individuals to
freely participate in their own social experiments so long as they are
respectful of other cultures and human rights.
