> willingness to respect the guidelines for the list.

I'd like to do that.  If I've read 'em, it's passed my memory.  could you
post an updated list of guidelines for new or muddled-headed folks like me?

>It hurts and angers me that whenever they are defended rarely is any
recognition expressed for the principles I have been trying to uphold for the
list or for the  difficulty involved in taking on such a task

I deeply aoppreciate what you're doin' & have been doin' & while I'm not
clear on your principles regarding this list, I've ALWAYS admired your
principles, your intelligence & impeccable integrity,  for as long as I've
known you.  This list-managert responsibility is one of those thankless  &
invisible jobs that's taken for granted 'til someone objects.  Thank you.

> I prefer to be criticized in public and have things out in the open so
 I can get reality checks other than from the person I am having the
 disagreement with. But any way is fine with me as long as the lines of
 communication can remain open.

Me, too!

Peter, you've anwered all my questions about the soap opera history 'cept
one:  Ward.  I can't imagine him ever sidestepping an issue, refusing to
answer a question of princple nor being abusive, evasive, etc.  What happened
(I've not read all my today mail, so ignore this if already answered)?

Again, many thanks,
