Zephyr wrote:
> I'd ask Christopher Morrill for the SF scoop.  As for SB the two stores
> are Lazy Acres (a store like Whole Foods) an City Market, which
> specializes in obtaining chemical free or cleaner meats.  The Sea Food
> place is more deluxe looking and I think carries more variety, they also
> probably get the fish two to three hours fresher as ours is driven up
> from LA.  But, they don't sell land animals, correct?  That's the big
> difference as far as I'm concerned.  One of the very best fishes is
> Yellow Tail.  City Market stocks one fresh from Fiji!  It doesn't age
> well though; it must be eaten pronto or it spoils.  This is unusual as
> most fish lasts one to three days longer and dries some before becoming
> bacteria brunch.  Lazy Acres also carries certified organic beef.  They
> have an exclusive contract with the grower.  They also sell Manning's
> natural.  Which is fed uncooked grains and legumes to fatten them before
> slaughter.  These aren't organic feed, though I imagine their acres of
> lawn is.  As I recall, the counters at SMSF were to tall and wide for
> easy smelling:-(  Does that answer you.

BTW, I am now getting from my fishmarket in NYC Artic char, wild, and
flown in daily from New Zealand. It looks like Salmon, is quite fatty,
the lighter the color the fattier. I find it ages very well and enjoy it
around the fourth and fifth day.

My best, Ellie