note: message from bodhi follows this impersonal forward from reuters


Thursday May 29 6:02 PM EDT

Jenny Craig must warn weight loss is only temporary

By David Lawsky

WASHINGTON, May 29 (Reuter) - From now on, Jenny Craig Inc. (JC) must
warn consumers its weight loss methods are usually only temporary, the
federal government said Thursday.

Similar charges against Weight Watchers were pulled from litigation a
week ago pending the possibility of a settlement with the FTC.

		i read in today's paper [santa cruz sentinel] that the ftc has filed
an unfair-advertising complaint against r.j. reynolds tobacco company,
alleging that its colorful joe camel campaign illegally seeks to entice
youngsters to smoke camels.

	i envision a world where we don't need laws to protect us from a
television that tells us a sugar-coated children's cereal "is part of
this complete breakfast" (pictured in a bowl of milk with a glass of
o.j. & buttered toast right beside it).

	if this image brings on any cravings, i suggest seeing the "balanced
breakfast" (or nachos or angel hair pasta or chocolate or ...) covered
in a pile of puke.  removes the temptation quite nicely for me. feel
free to experiment with vivid visualization of the pesky cooked food
sitting in a pile of any body secretion that you fancy.

	of course, if you deep down *do* wish to eat steamed vegetables (or
whatever...), go for it with all your sensations open.  luminosity

	stefan, i have eaten egg yolks from chickens & ducks with immense
pleasure.  the white remains uninteresting, the shell intimidating.
i've yet to get a "go" from either, nor a "stop" for egg yolks.  i've
eaten a dozen yolks at a time, stopping when i ran out because my habit
has me buying one carton at a time.  my neo-cortex has an attraction to
eating one egg day (i beleive hygeinic doctor d.j. scott advocates this
daily ritual).  my neo-cortex also has an attraction to eating
instinctively, which i do more of the time now than not (still mix some
salads, avocado nori rolls, etc.).  yet i have a strong belief in the
power of calorie restriction, so eating 56 eggs at once may not bring me
to a stop (organic eggs, probably fed grains, i usually get from the
people at [i haven't gotten through to this
site, but it remains printed on their carton]).  the non-instincto
quality of the chicken eggs doesn't place it out of my dietary
consideration, just makes me more cautious (don't wait for the
stop/thought stop).  luigi cornaro did well with his sobriety, eating
raw & cooked food (including egg yolks).  he allowed himself only 12
ounces of food a day, plus 14 ounces of liquid, and i reccomend any
health seeker to check out the story somewhere at .

	peter, i once wrote a report in sixth grade about mohandas karamchand
gandhi.  i erroneously typed the mahatma's name as "ghandi" throughout.
my teacher (the best i ever had in grade school) pointed out that i
could remember how to spell his last name: we share the last three
letters of our name.  bodhi <---> gandhi.  i found this delightful &
i've remembered ever since.  "you may call me anything" bob dylan says
in his hit from the 70's, _gotta_serve_somebody_.  due to my favorite
singer going into the hospital over the weekend (announced wednesday by
his london publicist as the reason for cancelling the bob dylan europe
'97 tour).  bob has doctors telling him & the world that he has
"histoplasmosis, a fungal heart infection."  if you heard cnn's story
about a *lung* infection, know that they got it *wrong*.  the sac around
the heart may swell, & in a few rare cases of "massive infection" can
result in death.  i pray for bob.  (maybe he'll fly to france & eat only
orkos-chow.  naaaah....).

	in honor of bob, i give you his words:

          Might like to wear cotton, might like to wear silk,
          Might like to drink whiskey, might like to drink milk,
          You might like to eat caviar, you might like to eat bread,
          You may be sleeping on the floor, sleeping in a king-sized bed

               But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
               You're gonna have to serve somebody,
               Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
               But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

          You may call me Terry, you may call me Timmy,
          You may call me Bobby, you may call me Zimmy,
          You may call me R.J., you may call me Ray,
          You may call me anything but no matter what you say

               You're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
               You're gonna have to serve somebody.
               Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
               But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
imported from:

	as i often find with bob's songs, i resonate more with the spirit of
some lines than the literal meaning some may impose upon it.  i react to
the chorus with the thought that we have more than the two choices
presented (the devil vs. the lord).  then again, if i translate the
terms into words more comfortable to my world-view, like "it may be the
fear or it may be the love, but you're gonna have to serve somebody."
do all emotions ultimately originate from these two extremes, or do we
acknowledge a multiplicity?

	for that matter, do all foods fall into the two categories of "raw vs.
cooked", or do we find a spectrum of foods from factory beef to
conventional produce to organic foods to biodyanmic to permaculture to
wild to fermented to unknown?  what about foods that have *some* enzymes
left, partially denatured.  lightning-struck food, forest-fire food,
lava-flow food, geothermally-boiled food, asteroid-impact food, and what
of eating soil (raw, unsterilized earth).  organically farming the
intestines with rock dust.  sure, we can't use inorganic chemicals (or
so paul bragg et. al tells us over & over), but what about the bacteria
in our intestines?  couldn't they thrive on the atomic elements and bind
them up with proteins (chelation), then offer us the finished product as
they die or discharge waste filled with organic residue.

	and what of magnets?  tickles me pink to watch bo7b broach the
subject.  i've got a book on magnet-therapy from india i plan on sending
bo7b, so he can assemble the best idea of what the heck our
bio-electro-magnetic fields need in this age of wavelength & frequency
pollution.  modern technocratic man has changed things plenty with radio
& power lines & h.a.a.r.p. & who-knows-what-else, so i don't discount
the possibility of magnet self-defense benefiting our immune system.
with apologies to ellie, why eat food at all when we may someday soon
just charge up with pure electricity?  (apologies to the list-yogis &
list-yoginis who charge up on the sun's electricity, balance their
electromagnetic fields with plants & crystals & mud baths & mental
concentration & have no use for electric shocks or magnetic beds.  [the
well-known yogi, paramahansa yogananda, did teach his devotees to
perform kriya meditation on a woolen blanket, covered with silk, to
counteract the earth's "downward magnetic pull".  sadhus & holy men in
india teach that one should place a corpse with the head facing north, &
the living should *not* sleep with their head like this {polewards}, but
with the head facing east.  i remember ann wigmore propounding in one of
her books {_naturama_?} that those in the northern hemisphere should
sleep with head pointing north, those in the southern hemisphere with
head pointing south, & those on the equator east.  for ann & the wise
ones of india to agree, one would have to live on the equator {did ann
define that as within the tropic of capricorn & the tropic of cancer?  i
have no idea, but this subject fascinates me.  those of us in the north
must choose between the wheatgrass lady & the vedic pandits, while those
in the south have a similar choice, but i don't know what india's
swami's have to say about south.  probably, "east is better."])

	still praying for bob's health & discovery of rawness?  he did write in

	       They used to grow food in Kansas
               Now they want to grow it on the moon and eat it raw.
               I can see the day coming when even your home garden
               Is gonna be against the law.

	i have an unreleased, bootleg version of the song in an earlier
incarnation where bob sings the second line as "now they want to grow it
on the moon".  i wonder what incident, person, book, or what sparked bob
to add the phrase "and eat it raw"?  anyone out there with connections
to the zimmerman family?  bob's son, jakob dylan, has gotten
progressively more well known as the lead singer in _the_wallflowers_,
which have released two splendid albums.  i heard a live version of
their hit song _5th_avenue_heartache_.  i had in my hands news of bob's
chest pains & potential heart swelling while his youngest son (for whom
he wrote _forever_young_) belted out crisp lines, ending the chorus with
a long, drawn out heartaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaaache.

	alright, i'll admit to dylan addiction.  i have developed a tolerance,
but i blame my dad.  he played it throughout my childhood, back through
to when i floated in my mommy's belly.  [[just now i wandered away from
the computer and picked some dark-red plums ripening in the sun down the
block.  those on the tree taste cool from the leaf-shading, while those
on the ground tasted hot & often sweeter, ever so slightly dehydrating
in the afternoon sun.  we return to your regular broadcast.]]  my first
year of college, 80-90% of my on-line time i devoted to reading about
all-things-dylan.  my second year of college i spent 80-90% of my hours
in front of the computer reading about all-things-raw.  i don't plan on
ever having a third year of college, but who knows...

	anyone guess the source of the title of this post, "temporary like
jenny craig"?  no?  well, to those who regard _blonde_on_blonde_ as the
best rock'n'roll album of all time, they'd know i'd lifted the title
from the rollicking track off that album, "temporary like achilles".
how about a brief excerpt from that song?  (last dylan quote...  i

               Achilles is in your alleyway,
               He don't want me here,
               He does brag.
               He's pointing to the sky
               And he's hungry, like a man in drag.
               How come you get someone like him to be your guard?
               You know I want your lovin',
               Honey, but you're so hard.

	i haven't read the <raw> list for some time.  if i get the spare time
i'll try to plow through the archives, but honestly, i'd rather review
the paleodiet & paleofood archives first.  plenty to read, no doubt
about it.  m2m back issues up the kazoo.  sadly, i won't have a regular
_health_&_beyond_ to occupy my attention at the beginning of each month
any more (as many of you surely know, chet will put out a few more
sporadic issues before closing up shop.  he's off to spread the
hallelujah diet with george malkmus.  i wish him all the best in his new
venture, but will miss his quality publication.  hope chet sees the
"reasons god didn't get his ph.d".  thanks peter!  good luck finding a
replacement, though i wouldn't mind if you kept on keeping on as our
beloved moderator.  some may tear you down, but i belove you.  ;-)

	i've got more responses to old posts, but they'll have to wait a bit
longer.  i need to help my step-dad finish the ceiling of the hut we
built next to our new hot tub.  no chlorine, ozonated, with occasional
bromine (i protest the last item, but we may get an "ionic silver"
system that will let us circumvent the bromine.)  i've gotten my hands
into the mud this past month more than any year before, double-digging
the garden with a little help from mom.  we've planted tomatoes (early &
late, beefsteak & brandywine), tomatillos, beets, spinach, parsley,
cilantro, basil, carrots, corn, jalapenos, thai hot chile, ring-o-fire
cayenne, & plan on adding melons & more very soon.

	my plan for those who care:  leave santa cruz june 10th for vancouver,
canada.  return to santa cruz september 10th, if i don't get drawn back
here beforehands (maybe to go to helen jean story's natural hygiene
summer camp?  who else might go?).  and i may decide to head off the
mainland and touch down in hawaii or france or south-east asia or...
probably back here to the 'cruz.  may work for a health food store,
juice bar, or metaphysical bookstore (or all three!  part-time.)  i may
also attempt to become a cmt (certified massage therapist) licensed with
enough hours to work in california or hawaii or wherever.  bill
mollison's permaculture design course deeply tempts me, as well.  a
fellow young raw-foodist took a design course last year (not from bill)
and he couldn't say enough good things about the experience.  he
borrowed my copy of _permaculture:_a_designer's_manual_ by bill mollison
for his course.

	i dream of visits to arcosanti, hopi land, tree of life in patagonia, &
brotherhood of life in albuquerque, nm.  the last one publishes robert
e. svoboda's intensely intriguing books, which i heard about through tom
billings.  i've read svoboda's _aghora_1_ & i've started on
_aghora_2:_kundalini_.  mind-blowing.  eerie similarities to my father's
chosen religion of tantric tibetan buddhism.  aghora comes from a
tantric hindu perspective, though of the left-hand, not the
usually-encountered right-hand.  _prakruti_ (your ayurvedic
constitution) by svoboda has impressed me as the best work on ayurveda
to grace my bookshelf.  _tao_&_dharma_ by svoboda (& another guy from
victoria, bc) compares the world's two oldest health care systems,
ayuveda & chinese medicine.  again, i rate it essential reading.  for
those who didn't hear tom's shpiel, robert svoboda has distinguished
himself as the only westerner to ever win a degree in ayurveda from a
traditional university in india, & thus become a licenced ayurvedic
physician.  dr. vasant lad (co-author of _the_yoga_of_herbs_ & others),
a teacher of svoboda in india, proclaims him an incomparable source for
western readers interested in the science of health (ayur+veda).  in
fact, lad says svoboda graduated #1 in his class, doubly amazing due to
his status as a westerner.  he has read the ancient ayurvedic texts in
sanskrit & translation, & passes on a few of the best tools he's found
for us modern folk to live healthily.  endorsement over.

	mmm-mmmm!  sweet plums!  the fresh local salmon has bowled me over with
ecstasy after 45 minutes or overnight on the food dehydrator (set to the
lowest temp. [below 95 fahrenheit]).  i'd like to order me up one of
those hanging mesh dehydrators from "perfect health" or "lehman's" (i've
seen 'em in both catalogs, alternately as a "food safe" or "food
pantry").  my polarica catalog has some interesting items, but i've yet
to experiment.  we need an orkos-u.s.a.!  (orkos-turtle-island)

	i will check in randomly over the summer, when i come into town from
the woods (commune livin'!  nothing like it!).  can't promise i'll catch
up before my return south, but i can try!  keep the home flames
burning!  (figuratively, of course.)

	finally, welcome to all the frogs!  i loved france in my one trip there
in third grade (mom wouldn't let me stay in paris despite many pleas).
arles, nice, marseilles... i want to visit again!  or live there!  i'll
have to renew my canadian passport. (i'd never want an american
passport, though my dual-citizenship gives me the choice.  canadians
have a much better world-reputation than americans, n'est pas?).  and
howdy to bob wynman & ellie rotunno, two dynamic instinctos i've grown
to know & love from their m2m writings.  looks like bo7b's still getting
the hang of this net thang, since it seems to me he posted to the list a
message from ellie he tried to forward to claire.  well, i'll pull my
nose out of this one & let them hash it out & make up on their own.  i
feel for you, ellie!  (psst.  i won't tell the journal that publishes
your toxic mind theory if you won't.  heck, i won't tell them even if
you do, and i think many on this list will also try to keep this
incident low-profile.  'nuff said.)

	i write this from my ma's 'puter, hoping i've set up the preferences
correctly so that it appears ombodhi@cats has sent this (otherwise will reject a post from an unsubscribed person).  after the
first i'll plug my 'puter back into the newly-finished hut & see what
personal mail i've got.  'till then, see ya in the archives!
