>> What is that region, substantia nigra?

Many thanks for the answer. I'm so curious about the limbic system. I first
learned about it in the dance dept at U of AZ!

>Eating disorders are related to the food addiction; addictions are caused
>by the repression of emotions like anger related to childhood trauma.
>Alice Miller has some suggestions in her recent edition (94) of Drama of
>The Gifted Child) I am in touch with her by phone. Emotional neglect is
>abusive, sounds like you have repressed anger related to that abuse. I
>did. I hope you can get your anger out at whoever abused you, perhaps in
>therapy you can do this.

I will get Miller's latest edition. Thanks.

>I went to twelve step programs e.g. A. A. and  O. A. briefly for my food
>addiction, but I am strongly oppposed to using the twelve step programs
>exclusively or for very long.


Ellie, great info. I really appreciate your therapeutic history. I have
felt that talk therapy would not be that effective for me.

Kind Regards,
Sheila Shea