Hi all and welcome back Bob!

>A detox therapy failed because the gold fixes the amalgam.

This statement came from me, Zephyr cited it.
Yes, it's known, that application of gold after drilling out amalgam
fillings of  our teeth fixes the remaining amalgam in your jaw and even in your
Amalgam sticks to gold. Dentists use this effect and sometimes wear a
thin foil of gold exposed to the air of their working rooms. The amalgam in
the air sticks to the foil and you can measure the amount of air pollution
by this.

Detox therapy means:
a chelating therapy using DMPS/DMSA/EDTA/other chelating agents that are
suited to remove dental mercury from your body.

One question to you, Bob:
you always sign Bo7b. What do I make of that? Does it read Bo seven b?
Or Bob, the seventh? Please explain thoroughly! :-)

Kind instinctive regards,
