>>Aajonus believes that parasites of any kind are completely harmless
>>and that Zephyr's problem's were due to contamination from toxins

>That is such bullcrap.  Sounds like Aajonus has a position he wants to
>defend, because blood tests showed trichinosis and the pain started to
>leave when I took the deworming pills.  Also how did "toxins"  eat
>away 20-30 pounds of my muscles.  I didn't merely lose weight from
>lack of eating, I was eaten. I am clear I had parasites and they were
>not harmeless.

It would be interesting to get his feedback on the above. Would you be
interested in calling him up or emailing him and then posting his
response to the list?

>I believe Aajonus is in dietary idealism fantasy land.

On this issue it sure looks like he is.

Best, Peter
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