
> Nothing scientific here. It's just what I heard of others and found out to
> be true with my own experience. Animal protein lasts several hours more
> than vegetable protein to be digested in me. Also being protein-disbalanced
> is heavier to bear for me than other disbalances, e.g. with sugar or carbo-
> hydrates.

I usually eat no more than 1/2 pound of animal protein in a meal, but
when I tried to eat 1 pound, I found it easy to digest. I certainly
couldn't eat 1 pound of leguminous grains. And sometimes, I had
flatulences because I ate 1 pound of apples that weren't highly atractive.

> Don't choose your meal by smelling at the beginning and selecting the three
> best foods. Instead smell all foods and eat the best one. Then again smell
> all foods and eat that, that is now the best. And so on.

That's the classical recommendations of Burger, but I wonder if there
are other possibilities. Sure, that's more or less what an animal
would do, but animals don't eat two huge meals/day, they have little
monomeals all day long (except lions, snakes,...). Animals don't have
problems with food combination, since they do not combine food at all
[however, I remember that chimps eat RAF with leaves...].

Suppose that, using your method, two foods A and B (say, cherries and
strawberries) are eaqually pleasant. What will you do? Maybe toss a
coin. Then, you eat A first, and you find that you need 1 pound of A
and 1/2 pound of B. But if you had chosen to begin with B, maybe you
would have eaten 1 pound of B and 1/2 pound of A.

And sometimes, a food can help the assimilation of another. Thus, it
may happen that A is more pleasant than B or C separately, but that B
combined with C is actually more useful than A... and C can be more
pleasant than A after eating some B (see Kirt's examples).

Concerning monomeals, given that instinctos eat 2 meals/day, a
RAF-monomeal would weigh 1-2 pounds. I doubt that so much protein can
be absorbed by the body, probably some proteins are transformed into
glucose. Moreover, if you really need 1-2 pounds of meat, that means
your body is really lacking RAF (and thus very disbalanced).

> Dunno if tolerance develops with Orkos food. I suspected the avocados of
> Orkos to do so but for me I was wrong. But others (Karl?) made other obser-
> vations.

I don't remember if it was about tolerance or overeating (or both),
but people at Montrame told that even Orkos "ordinary" fruits are too
easy to eat. One person had a problem with avocados, and reportedly
found a clear stop with wild avos from Orkos. Same thing with mangoes.

> Okay, here are my tips for such games:
> Last year I ordered grapes from Orkos and juiced them manually (God, a hard
> job!) I let the juice become alcoholic and it was the best red wine I have
> ever drunken. Also it gave a clear stop.

I haven't played such games, but remember that once, I had 1/2 glass
of wine with friends, which was really delicious. Soon after, I tested
some grapes, and they were great. One week after, as I had had grapes
at several meals, wine was much less pleasant.

> Again, because people tend to complain if something goes wrong while they
> are silent about their positive observations.

I think that the most eloquent of silent observations is the huge
percentage of dropouts (probably more than 90%). You also mentioned
the folks at Montrame who have the optimal conditions (no temptations,
high-quality food available...) and nevertheless don't practice
correctly, even after a decade. True, living in such a secluded
community is not optimal psychologically, but a beautiful theory is
useless if practice is impossible (or very difficult).

Best wishes,
