Hi Ellie,

you wrote:
>Thanks for durian season information. So I assume I must worry more about
>getting Instinto quality and try to determine if I am enjoying stimulants
>or the natural food. I think this applies to fruits as well. We get
>addicted to the mutant sugars, it is not an addiction to sugar. The
>attraction to sweet fruit is partly an addiction to stimulants and partly
>a real need for sugar, same theory for meat. Would you agree? Does Okros
>ship to NYC?

Yes, I agree with you.
Sometimes it can be pretty difficult to find out whether you need a food
urgently or you are becoming an addict to a non-instincto-quality food.
Unfortunately Orkos cannot ship to the U.S. due to importing restrictions
(I spell it paranoia, already mentioned it.)

On one trip to Dallas I carried jarred honey from Orkos with me and
hoped it would pass the control in Dallas/Fort Worth airport. I didn't hide
it but asked if it was ok. And it was. But honey in the comb would have
been dumped because it can contain (living) insects or eggs.

I had the idea that Cassia could be imported to the U.S. pretending it
was liquor-ice. (should remove the cores then.) :-)

Instinctive greetings,
