Zephyr wrote:

> I know that taste with the lamb.  Deborah I had small loin lamb chops
> once that had it, but I haven't found it since in the last 3 or 4 times
> I've had lamb.  glad you're getting it, maybe that indicates the luminous
> phase?
> I assume the luminous phase is when my body is happy with what I'm eating, sounds good to me. Is this phase steady for a while or does it
change daily. My cortex responds by sending me out for more lamb chops.
Sometimes it's the lamb I think?, because one day it may not taste that
good, and the next day it does again. or does my body vary from day to
day in it's need for the lamb. I'm still so new at this.
 Glad you have confronted abuse. Sounds like Mr. B is detoxing his anger
through the wrong neurons. I hope he get the help he needs.

My best, Ellie