Sheila Shea wrote:
> Do you think that the stagnant emotions/endogenous chemicals can be stored
> in areas other that the brain? Gerda Boyesen and Centre in her name in
> London feels they are in the intestines, too. A NYTimes article 1/23/96
> also had latest research on intestines and stated they had their own
> emotional center.
> Is your work exclusive to the brain?.

Hi Sheila,

I think the emotions are stored in neurons particularly in the limbic
system which is responsible for the expression of emotions. The limbic
system used to be defined as a small area midbrain including the
hypothalamus, but now it is thought of as extending peripherally
including in the gut. It especially involves the sympathetic division of
the autonomic nervous system and when these neurons are toxic there can
result all kinds of trouble not just with the abnoraml expression of
emotions but so-called psychosomatic disease as well.

Sheila wrote:
> I feel I have had brain "damage" from early abusive toilet training and
> ensuing constipation. I am recovering slowly as I do more living foods,
> fluids, exercise, and the best I can to heal emotionally and mentally. Part
> of the damage is from the emotional trauma, part from the toxins
> circulating from constipation.
> Any thoughts,

My opinion is that of Alice Miller's and others that the suppression of
feelings especially anger when we have been abused in childhood results
in these emotions being released at a later time as symptoms of emotional
illness and psychosomatic problems as well, and that the solution is some
kind of therapy that allows us to direct our anger back at the original
abusers, not necessarily in person but perhaps in therapy. In this kind
of therapy, toxins are released from neurons. There will be symptoms
during the detox process, (when I went to Caron in PA, a place for this
kind of therapy, I had a lot of diarrhea, I also went to ACOA) but
eventually the symptoms should be less severe. I am not a therapist, but
a neurophysiologist, and my contribution has been to identify the nature
of the toxicosis in neurons. I think that living foods help the
detoxification process. Sounds like you are doing very well and I wish
you the best. I too am recovering from a childhood in which I had to
suppress my feelings.

My best, Ellie