Dear Ellie,

>I admire Zephyr for getting
>back on the horse (organically fed I assume), and I admire Deborah
>equally for her caution. Maybe it was harder to watch than experience. I
>don't know what I would do in either case.

Thank you for this empathy and support.  I admire your capacity to
respect both sides of our struggle and what we've gone through!  I hope
your symptoms subside and you don't "have" anything.  Appreciated the
info about Dr. Cahill.

>What bothers me is that a gift
>of knowledge so beatiful and healing for so many could have been given to
>Burger without a means to use it.

I don't quite grasp what you are conveying by the phrase "without a means
to use it".

> It's almost anti-spiritual to believe
>that something that could save mankind from suffering is not workable.

Or, maybe it's anti-spiritual to believe that something could save
mankind from suffering.  Maybe suffering, in addition to pleasure,
suffuses spirituality.

>Some have died, or nearly died, and I could be next (not from an amoeba

>From what?  Are you okay?

>I don't know what my friend's future will
>be, but I know my health has improved dramatically since RAF

That's wonderful.

>, and I'm off
>to buy some more lamb chops with increased caution in my shopping. I'm
>grateful for your advice and also for a place to share my feelings
>whether fear or anger or whatever. If I stuff them I will clog up the
>neurons of my limbic system and the nearby neurons for smell and taste,
>and I'll never know if my body needs those lamb chops or not.

>Question: What cuts of meat would be farthest away from the intestinal

I don't know but will ask the butcher departments at our gourmet/health
food markets here and let you know.   One that occurs to me is shoulder.
Zephyr has eaten it and says he likes it, but it's very tough.
Best of luck and keep us posted as to your parasitic progress,
