> Tom:
> >I agree with your observation. Some of the "100% raw NOW" people seem
> >to have very serious mental problems - hostile zealotry, full-blown eating
> >disorders, lunacy, etc. (This list has seen examples of hostile zealotry.)
> >Some other "100% raw" people display symptoms of less serious mental
> >impairments: mental spaciness, emotional fragility (just challenge their
> >diet -you will see this very quickly), sugar addiction, eating disorder
> >behavior (binge eating, cheating, lying about eating, obsession with food
> >and its "purity"), adherence to crackpot conspiracy/environmental schemes,
> >emotional immaturity, and so on.
> You seem to be describing the average fruitarian.


Seems like a lot of anger trying to get out. Whether all fruit or all
veggie or Instincto, whatever diet encourages the detox of the nervous
system, it will result in symptoms like these. They are an indication
that emotions have been repressed and want out. Emotions are stored as
endogenous chemicals in the brain and cause toxicosis. I'd like to see
these people get into primal therapy or Adult Children of Alcoholics or
some other kind of therapy that encourages the release of stored up
emotions related to childhood trauma.

My best, Ellie