Zephyr had some stool samples from April 19th and 20th tested at Great
Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory, which is considered to be the only U.S.
lab qualified to do accurate parasite testing.  The results came back
showing no ova or parasites in the samples, but they did contain high
levels of the bacterial pathogens Klebsiella Pneumoniae (4+) and
Staphylococcus Aureus (4+), as well as Candida (4+).  There were also
high levels of healthy flora (E. coli, Bifidobacter, and Gamma Strep --
all 4+).

I received permission from Dr. Michael Klaper to share with our list
excerpts from a letter he wrote interpreting the stool sample results and
commenting on Zephyr's diet during his recovery phase.

Dr. Klaper writes:

     "As far as Zephyr's nutritional program, I'm not surprised to hear
that he received an "energy boost" from the flesh
           that he consumed.  After such a prolonged state of nutritional
depletion, I'm sure his body would respond well to many substances.  My
opinion of raw flesh in the diet, ethical considerations aside, is that
such a practice will continue to hold dangers for Zephyr.  I fear that
this bout of trichinosis is not the last of infectious disease that
Zephyr may encounter.

     It is inevitable that, when animals are slaughtered, the intestinal
contents contaminate the flesh.  These days, that opens the door to some
truly fearsome microorganisms, such as antibiotic-resistant E. coli
and/or Salmonella -- two bugs notorious for mercilessly tearing up the
intestinal lining.

     The concern over transmissible encephalopathies ("Mad Cow" Disease,
CJD, etc.) is growing, and for unfortunately good reasons.  The
prion-containing animal flesh that is recycled through modern animal feed
("bypass protein") is now suspected to be contaminating animals of all
species.  In other words, chickens, pigs, cows, etc., are all fed
prion-containing "bypass protein", and thus become carriers of the
brain-destroying plague.  However, the chickens and pigs are killed and
eaten before they clinically manifest their disease -- yet they may still
be carriers of the curse.  Again, anyone consuming flesh in their diet --
raw or cooked -- puts themselves at risk for this grotesque and lethal

     There is also the "yellow scourge" of hepatitis virus waiting in the
wings, a common hitchhiker on shellfish harvested in local waters as well
as on any foods washed with unclean water.  Anyone who eats raw fish
flesh of any kind also puts themselves at risk for ingesting a nasty fish
tapeworm, with the name of Diphyllobothrium latum, that gnaws away
at the intestinal lining, inducing anemia through blood loss.  There are
other microbial parasites, such as Pfisteria, the "microbe from Hell,"
infecting fish and fishermen throughout the North Carolina river
estuaries, that may cast further doubt on viewing fish flesh as "health
food."  Again, the natural world is no longer pristine and everyone,
regardless of their dietary view, must align their eating practices with
today's biological realities.

     Finally, this may not be Zephyr's last episode of trichinosis.
Remember, that this recent infection may have had nothing to do with
mongoose liver or anything else Zephyr had eaten recently.  In other
words, these worms may have been incubating in his muscles for months,
perhaps having been consumed with raw beef or pork long ago.  If that is
the case, then Zephyr contracted trichinosis by eating "good" meat -- and
suffered the consequences.  The implication is that another bout of these
nasty worms could be as close as the next slab of beef.

     Of course, none of this is pleasant to consider, but you did ask my