I forgot to mention that after eating much raw animal fat, my
tryglercides dropped from 134 to 28, at another time 54. Some total
cholesterols to HDL were were 188/91 (day after a doz eggs), 172/71,
142/73, 136/62, 209/84. When my total value goes up the HDL always goes
up as well. I think I'm doing well on raw animal fat. I have a lung tumor
which has reduced in size and had severe lung disease, the symptom are
nearly gone.

My glucose tolerence test (done with natural sugar) says I'm diabetic,
which is far from the truth, since my triglycerides are low and my
glycosylated hemoglobins are normal. I used to be hypoglycemic (no
longer) and had severe pancreatic damage, which is healing. The reason my
glucose goes up after eating natural sugar, I believe is because the
natural sugar is flushing out old toxic mutant sugars which are then in
the blood. This fits with Aajonus's findings that honey helps diabetics.
I believe we get addicted to mutant sugars (the stimulants) and not to
natural sugars. Of course, too much of a natural sugar is also a
stimulant, so perhaps this is about semantics, yes Kirt?  I think
fruitarians have two things going, an addiction to stimulants, and a need
for natural sugar. (same for meat or any other food). Problem, of course,
is how to find fruits that have natural sugars only, cerainly not an easy
task. For my money the answer to this sugar, no, not sugar, stimulant
addiction is to do the work of getting out old repressed emotions which
are the basis of not only mental illness and violence, but also

My best, Ellie