>The other point here Dawn made was that frequently little guys just
don't have
>the words to express how they feel.  This is especially true when they
>always felt bad due to constant injestion of the food.  How could they
>they feel bad when they don't know they are supposed to be feeling

This is so very true !

>We have been dealing with this in our house with our 5 yo who we just
found out
>is allergic to so many things I don't know what to feed him.  He has
had many
>symptoms but the doctor kept telling me they were my problems and we
needed to
>see a psychologist.  I insisted allergies based on family experience
but he
>refused to help me.  Finally we had testing done privately.  My little
one is
>seeing some improvements after 2 weeks despite several allergic foods
>given to him by well meaning friends.  Keepin on tryin'
>Kathy Wentz                        unschooler, n. one who never swims
>[log in to unmask]                   with the crowd


We had a similar situation with our 3 1/2 year old.  I kept telling our
pediatrician in our health network that my son had food allergies, and
he refused to order the tests, kept ranting on about Ritalin for him
when he was 5, and " just deal with it" until then, and see a child
psychologist for help controlling him until he was old enough to drug.
Even though I told the doctor that food allergies run in the family,
and that my son's bowel movements were never formed, he refused to
acknowledge the possibility of allergies/ sensitivities.  We also had
to go outside the health network to find a doctor who ordered many
tests on our son, who turned out to be hypoglycemic, have very high
levels of aluminum, and was highly reactive to MANY foods by IgG4 blood
test (immunologic response, not neccessariy a histamine response).  We
stick with the diet as best we can, since he is reactive to so many
things (wheat, corn, oats, dairy, eggs, soy, peanuts, bananas, citrus,
most nuts, etc etc) that it is hard to find things that he will eat
that have nothing in it that is on his "NO" list of foods.  We are
fortunate that he does not have severe breathing problems, but wild
behavior, loose bowels, innability to sit still, stuffy nose (does not
stop breathing from airways swelling shut, like many on this list), and
circles under his eyes.

Dr Allen Buresz has an excellent website for ideas to try on this

I would encourage all parents of children with any allegies or other
symptoms listed above to check it out.

We are seeing improvement with our son, and our next step is to
implement full spectrum lighting in our home.  The lower the percentage
of bad foods our son eats, the better his concentration, behavior, and
breathing.  Also, the more light stimulation, the better.  Winter
months with shorter days always is a difficult time.

Another resource:

The National Light and Sound Therapy Centre - London , England
Zelda Landau
email     [log in to unmask]

ask for a copy of the Winter 1996 newsletter issue 4, and any other
advice she has for your situation.  She was very helpful to us.

Anyone is welcome to email me privately on this letter for more info- I
fear this letter is already way too long- sorry.

Very Best Regards,
