Hi Paula,

Thanks for your response.  It must of been awful to experience that with your
child.  Was that the first time you gave you child any type of milk?  I
nursed my 2 1/2 year old for almost a year.  I thought I was doing good by
doing this, but his ped. didn't tell me and I didn't know, that I shouldn't
have been consuming dairy while nursing.  I gave him formula with milk at 2
months and noticed his bottom was raw that's when I stuck to nursing.  Now my
son has a severe milk allergy along with being severely allergic to egg
whites and peanuts.  No, I'm not allergic to any type of food or my husband,
but we both have bad airborne allergies.

I just thought that since he seems to tolerate whey now, when before he would
get hives, that if I could move on to cheese or something else.  His
allergist said that possibly in 9 months I could give him a small piece of
cheese, since the allergy has slightly decreased, but I'm afraid to do this.
 What do you suggest based on your past experience?  Also, how have you
handled this problem if your child is in school?
