<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

On Fri, 25 Apr 1997 Shari Weber wrote:

I am gluten and dairy intolerant.

I now seem to have a minor reaction about 1.5 hours after I do a major
house cleaning (ie. bathrooms).  I get gassy, tired, sick to my
stomach...you've heard it all.


I am also gluten and dairy intolerant and have been strictly abstinent
for about 10 years.  But, I have also noticed my immune system weakening
over the years because of the unhealthy environment in my GI tract, and
because I am probably allergic to other phenolics in foods or dust
mites, or chemicals or who knows what.  Air pollution, water pollution,
pesticides on foods, etc.  all play a role in breaking down our already
weakened defenses.  In other words, Gluten-dairy intolerance is a
weakening factor to the immune system and may lead to multiple chemical
sensitivity in certain individuals.

You may not think the fumes are entering your nostrils and then into
your blood stream, but they probably are.  I get sick smelling slight
amounts of all kinds of things---cigarettes, car exhaust, etc.  Also,
consider the scientific evidence that indicates that certain smells and
tastes actually elicit certain chemical reactions in the body.  Also
consider that if any amount of the chemical is absorbed through the
skin, it could cause a reaction. Cleansers such as Ajax and Comet never
used to bother me but now if I sprinkle it in the sink, I can actually
smell the fine powder dust coming up into my nose and making me gag.  I
have to cover my face with a paper towel now when I sprinkle it. This
just started happening this year.  Lysol and ammonia never used to
bother me but now I get a bad headache, my eyes burn, etc.  My body is
always changing.  Do you get carsick?  I always have.  My stomach is
generally queasy which accounts for my sensitivity to a lot of chemical