<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I wrote to Wakunaga of America, subsidiary of
Wakunaga Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd., manufacturers of KYOLIC aged
garlic extract, asking if their progduct was gluten free. I use
my standard form letter that explains hidden gluten in binders
etc as well as contamination in manufacturing.  I received a
responce this week from Jodi Fetchel, Nutritionist, R&D dept of
Wakunaga. Heres an excerpt, verbatum with my comments in
brackets, from the response:

"Regarding your letter, is KYO-GREEN (not the product I asked
about, but thats not the point) is the one product that we have
that is CERTIFIED GLUTEN FREE * (those words are in bold in the
letter) by an independent lab analysis. KYO-GREEN is a
nutricious supplement made from barley and wheat grasses,
chlorella, kelp, and brown rice..."

The asterix points to this footnote:
Laoratory Analysis. September 13, 1989, Irving Analytical
Laboratory, Inc

I'm a little amazed. Is there any way this is legit.? Thanks.
Brenda A Graham                      Admin Computing & Info Svcs
[log in to unmask]       Carnegie Mellon Univ, Pittsburgh, PA