Dear Tom,

in your article you don't say anything about your nutrition. From the contents
I assume that you are fruitarian, i.e. you eat mostly fruits, nearly no vege-
tables and no RAF (raw animal food).
Also you don't mention if you eat instinctively which would be important to
know. I am an instinctive eater (so called instincto, I don't like this word) and
 my observations are as follows:

Prunes, papayas and juicy fruit don't seem to pass my digestion system with
out beeing changed. They come out considerably changed. Not always but in most
of the cases. I think this is because instinctive nutrition really gives the body
what it needs, therefore it really digests the things eaten, where normal
(intellectually selected) nutrition often lets you eat things you currently
don't need.

Eating mostly fruits and nearly no vegetables drives you into a nutritional
disbalance which could also be the reason for the non-digestion of fruits.
Instinctive nutritions says, that you   m u s t   eat vegetables to be in
balance   e a c h   day! Also low weight is caused by eating too much fruits
according to instinctive nutrition this causes heavy detoxification which
reduces your weight. Eating more vegetables solves this problem.

Some crude reason that could apply to anyone who seems to digest badly may
be heavy metal intoxication by amalgam fillings. I faced this problem last
year and it took me a considerable amount of time and energy to solve it.
Heavy metal intoxication will harm your digestion system, preventing the
digestion of certain molecules.

A last thing: if your fruits come from the normal fruit markets they are
very likely to be grown in conventional agriculture. This means they are
what instinctos call "empty". The consist of water and little vitamins and
minerals. They can't give your body what it needs. Maybe they are passed
through then because your body can't find enough useful things in them.

I hope this helps. Kind regards,

Stefan Joest

E-Mail: Stefan Joest <[log in to unmask]>