
> BTW, JL, what is your blood type? Bruno pooh-poohed the blood type theory
> in a post a while back but I am quite interested in any differences in
> instinctive selection among the different blood types. If there is anything
> to "Eat According to Your Blood Type" stuff then it should show up in
> instincto's relative attractions (in the long run) to RAF in general and,
> perhaps, dairy in particular.

I am type O. Actually, I wouldn't say I am strongly attracted to RAF,
except during a 2 week-period when I was wildly attracted to... farmed
salmon (among other fishes), and a 3 week-period with 1 chicken/day on
average. Usually, I eat RAF at 1 or 2 meals a week: one or two egg
yolks or some fish in moderate quantity. Concerning dairy, when my
diet was still cooked, I used to drink 1 or 2 bowls of "raw"
pasteurized milk a day, but I didn't like cheese or yoghurt.

BTW, here is the repartition of blood types among a few populations (I
found it at

People             O    A   B   AB

USA-whites        45   41   10   4
French            43   47    7   3
Eskimos-Alaska    38   44   13   5
Eskimos-Grnlnd.   54   39    5   2
Japanese          30   38   22  10
Tartars           28   30   29  13
Peru indians     100    0    0   0
Blackfoot         17   82    0   1?

Notice that the Japanese consume raw fish but not dairy, despite the
high proportion of B's comparatively to O's. Same kind of remarks for
Eskimos from Alaska. And also the amazing difference between Peru
indians and Blackfoot.

Best wishes,
