Jean-Louis Tu wrote:

> Here are a few ideas Burger
> seems to have had for a long time, but became clearer since Nicole's
> death (GCB's wife seemingly used to eat a lot of RAF).

That's the official version from Montramé. I knew Nicole well and think
her death can be possibly related to other non-official causes.

> 1) Meat contains a lot of proteins, which may cause auto-immune troubles.
> Moreover, other mammals' proteins are too close from our own proteins,
> and thus may not be recognized my the immune system.

True, but may not be the deep & real cause of Nicole's cancer. And why
was she eating so much meat when so many other high-quality fruits were
there that she could eat if not for psychological compensation of other
problems ?

> 2) We may be more adapted to eating insects, rather than other mammals.
> Indeed, insects are among the most ancient in the evolution, and primates
> usually eat other mammals only very occasionally. Eggs are also a good
> aliment, since the consumption of eggs by mammals appeared early in the
> Evolution. So, maybe the instinct is not well adapted to a heavy consumption
> of meat.

True for the content. I heard that insect stuff somewhere already. But I
doubt that this idea is from Burger. Easy recuperation... Never heard
this in his mouth during 6 years I stayed in Montramé. Apparently he
"invented" that story since I walked out. Dig in more and don't believe
everything you're told. Be there when it happens if you want to have the
real facts. I totally agree on the content of the idea, not on its


Sincerely yours. With best regards.


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