Jean Louis:
>Well... Finally, I decided to go to Montrame this week-end (just by
You don't need excuses...

Jean Louis
>Two or three have practiced for 10 years, a few for 4 years. Some have
>recently turned to instincto, but are long-time crudivorists. A few
>hard-core instinctos seem a bit dogmatic;
>3:00 p.m.: conference with Burger, questions/answers (I'll report about it
>in separate posts). He seems rather bright, and more open-minded than the
>average long-time instincto.

Yes, he seems. I wouldn't bet my last dollar on the fact  that he actually
is "open-minded", Jean Louis. When you find a mosque full of integrists,
chances are that the imam is one of them. Of course the brighter the imam,
the less visible his integrism...
It's good that you've been there anyway.