Hi -

Rice Dream recentlyt had a promotion at my mother's local health food
store at whcih they gave out recipe pamphlets.  (Abnout a dozen pages.)  I
assume that you could phone their 800 number to obtain a copy.)

Westbrae also puts out a series of rice milks.  We use their calcium/A/D
entriched version which comes in a half-gallon container.  (At our
store that's $2.99).  They have an 800 number which I'll post if you can't
obtain it trhough information.

Westbrae gave us the names/numbers of several distributors who would sell their
products (and other products) to us wholesale.  We're about to follow
through on that, since my son lives on the stuff.  We go through over a
quart a day!

Hope this is of interest,
--Beth Kevles
  [log in to unmask]
  http://web.mit.edu/kevles/www/nomilk.html -- a page for the milk-allergic