In a message dated 97-04-18 17:18:04 EDT, you write:

<< <<  At 52, it is hard to
  think of not EVER having some of my favorite comfort
  foods--a grilled cheese sandwich, yogurt, cream of tomato
  soup--without having to "pay for it" for several days. >>

I am not sure why i didnt see this orignal post, but i saw the response to
this. so i am responding to this part.

My son 3..  he is dairy and gluten free so it is double hard. but every
single thing you mentioned up there I do have for him, including grilled
chesse sandwichs, yougurt, well i am not sure about tomato soup..

Just thought I would say there are things out there, you just have to search.
its hard, but it does work out.


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