<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I was diagnosed with Celiac Sprue May '96.  As may others have expressed, I
would like to thank the people who run this listserve and those who take the
time to respond to the rest of us.  You truly are a lifeline.

I have recently been diagnosed with very low bone density.  I was told I am
at high risk for osteoporatic fractures later in life (I don't know how much
later I am 48 now) and that taking calcium will mostly maintain what I have.
 Since I am in the 5th percentile, or 2 standards deviation from matched age
group, I find this very upsetting.  Is there anyone out there that can give
me some guidance on this.

You can respond to me at [log in to unmask] to the listserve if you think
others would want to read it.
Thank you in advance.