Hi all,

Is it the case that fish is marinated in vinegar
(ex: Japanese saba/mackrel) or in lemon juice
(ex: spanish chervice (sp?)) is intended to
eliminate parasites?

If so, how long does it take to work?
I'm not really that hung up on parasites,
but I wouldn't preclude trying this out if
the RAF was suspect.

If this technique works, does it only work
with seafood or is it effective on other RAF?

On the negative side, I guess one would totally
subvert the taste change. For instance, I really
like saba, and don't appear to get a stop.

On an unrelated note, I thought that carpaccio
would be an easy way to explore yet another
dimension in RAF. But I was told that it is
actually (proscutti?) rather than raw
as advertised. I would be interested in
finding out if anybody can authoritatively
rule either way. Also, are there any
recommended restaurants in the SF bay area
that serve really raw carpaccio?

