	rawmyn & rawwimmin',
			    anyone know of a purveyor of glandular
products that purports a permaculture/biodynamic/range-fed/organic life
for the animals? [any single or combination of the above]  preferably
freeze-dried, wouldn't you say?

	setting aside what appears as the industry standard source (cows)
-- how about eating glands of an insect?  not in isolation, but as part
of merging the whole body of the little being into my larger being.
maybe insect glands can help explain why bruno comby finds the critters
10 times as satisfying as meat.  isolated meat muscle vs. whole insect.

	when will whole foods feature crawling insects behind their meat
counter?  {intentionally, i mean!}  and when will bread & circus add live
animals to their show?  time will tell.

	stapleton's recently stopped carrying meat.  in a full-page local
add, the manager of the cheaply-priced health food store explained why he
had chosen to remove all flesh.  i'll see if i can find it and post his
public dissertation.  next time i walk into stapleton's (not very often,
as their "great prices" function in the cooked & packaged food realm,
lapping far from the shore of the produce corner.  expensive fruits &
veggies!), i will check if they still carry raw glandulars in their
vitamin department.  i've pasted an interesting glandular list at the end
of this communique'.

			instincto marginal to raw; raw marginal to
cooked; vegan marginal to vegetarian; vegetarian marginal to s.a.d....

in the margins,

 Here's a brief list of what certain glands may help with:

 allergies, chronic stress/illness, low blood sugar, frequent infections,
		     respiratory problems, mange, fleas, ear mites.

 epilepsy, behavioural problems, nerve problems.

 cardiomyopathy and other heart problems.

 kidney dysfunction.

 liver problems, anemia, diabetes, low blood sugar, debilitation,
                      general health maintenance.

 poor immune function, chronic infections, tumors, poor digestion.

 poor immune function, chronic infections, tumors, mange.

 improper thyroid function, overweight, underweight, cold body