Hello Everyone,

I have woken from my needed sleep after working all night
painting a 7000 square foot ceiling. Only got about 1/6 done.
Its a high ceiling. Tough work. Right now I am wondering what
is alive and crawling around in our attic. Whatever it is, its
big and stomping right above my head!

Bodhi, the NG (national geographic) not only has a great article on
trees but I forgot to mention the article on MOTHS! A must read.
Pictures look almost good enough to eat :)

I just read an excerpt from Zephyrs book on the Rawtimes web page.
Sounds pretty interesting. Certainly, in my past forays into raw
eating I found a great instinctual wisdom of the body/mind started
to appear. I think I doused it though, by mega consumption of carrots.
I will have to keep the food stop idea in mind as I begin again.
I certainly seem to learn something new all the time.

The weather is finally great here (St.Louis). No longer any need to
envy you west coasters.


David Noel