
>The second evidence against "raw is law" is simply the fact that wild animals
>are often killed, and their remains cooked, by wildfires, as well as volcanos,
>geysers, and even lightning strikes. It is also a fact that the cooked remains
>of these animals are routinely eaten by wild carnivores and scavengers.

I would say that a *very small* amount of cooked food is natural. In the
same way, cows eat insects along with their grass, but a 100% raw-insect
diet would certainly not be natural for them! Moreover, maybe cooked food
is natural, but not mixed, salted, seasoned food.

>Another obvious
>example of wild animals eating cooked (and processed!) foods, is given
>by the rats, seagulls, bears, and other animals that scavenge at landfills.

I don't consider landfills as natural...

