
>Did you just
>start eating raw foods one day?  Should you fast before you start?
>Should you go slowly and eat raw foods maybe 50% of the time, then
>gradually go to 100%?

I started with a 10-day fast, which helped me in giving up cooked food
very quickly. During the first two weeks, I still ate bread and
cheese, but when I discovered sprouted grains and raw fish, it became
no longer necessary.

>Do you find the meals that you consume boring?
>Do you crave cooked meals?

The average amount of pleasure I get with raw food is higher than with
cooked food; I do not enjoy eating in restaurants anymore, and I avoid
that whenever possible. Still, I had some frustrations during the
first few months that led to overeating fruits and nuts, but now, even
some veggies taste great. Lettuce, endives, spinach and carrots are
OK. Cauliflower: sometimes OK, sometimes not. Artichoke: great!

>I'm sure it's not over weight, but are you looking "skinny"?
>One thing that confuses me is if you are very athletic, it is said
>that you should get a certain amount of calories.  Are you able to
>stay athletic and consume the right amount of calories when eating raw

Actually, I was _more_ skinny when on a cooked diet (but I am still
thin). Instead, I worry more about excess of calories...
My athletic performances have improved, thanks to a better relaxation
of the body.

