Tanchou was the doctor who first recognized auto-immune diseases as a
unique type of disorder. One of the characteristics he listed for
recoginizing such a "disease of civilization" was that they never appeared
in wild animal populations or in hunter-gatherers.  This characteristic is
shared by obesity, diabetes, cancer, etc.

The resulting 100 year search for auto-immune diseases among
hunter-gatherers was documented by Vilhjalmur Stefansson in his book
"Cancer Disease of Civilization"(New York, Hill & Wang,1960).

Stefansson is considered by many as the father of Paleolithic Nutrition.
He adopted the Inuit diet in 1906 and almost never ate vegetables again.
He died in 1962 after writing his autobiography "Discovery".

Perhaps the best synopsis of Stefansson's nutritional work is found in his
3 part article in Harpers Magazine in the 1930s.  Dean has a copy, perhaps
he would post it.

Ray Audette
Author "NeanderThin:A Caveman's Guide to Nutrition"