<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>


I'm posting this to the entire list since I've had lots of questions about
Big Macs.  Who'd of thought that this would generate so much interest.  I
originally heard about g-f big macs in Sweden on this celiac listserv.
That must have been soon after the list began.  A year later I went to
Sweden on vacation, and had two g-f Big Macs in MacDonalds in Stockholm.
You go to the counter just like everyone else, I ordered in English, which
everyone understands,  They asked me to wait a minute extra, and then there
it was.  It was a nice rice flour bun cut into thirds so there were 2
layers, just like regular big macs, two all beef patties, special sauce,
and all the rest.  I wanted to buy a case of the buns, but didn't think
they would sell them to me.

I was even more impressed with the array of g-f foods in the largest
department store in Helskini where we spent a day on the way home.  I
filled up my luggage.  Then I had fabulous g-f meals on Finn Air in both
directions.  A sandwich on the same g-f bread I had in my luggage from
Helsinki.  Thought I'd died and gone to heaven. To top it off, Finn Air
flies non-stop from SF to Helsinki, so getting there was really easy from
here.  Travelling in Sweden and Finland was easy, everyone understood
English, and I had no trouble eating g-f anywhere we went.

Save your pennies for a similar trip.

Ellen Switkes
Oakland, CA