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On Thu, 20 Feb 1997 08:26:51 -0800 Larry Leveen <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I would appreciate advice on whether I need to have the biopsy done, or can
> I just consider myself to have CD. Does it really matter? I mean if I stay
> GF and have no problems, then why should I care?

That was my logic, too. My antibody test indicated Celiac, I had
vitamin deficiencies (B12), amemia & weigh loss that indicated
malabsolption (which was further substantiated by a 2 day fat
test), pretty nasty bloating, gas and bowel troubles. I chose not
to get biopsied, but rather go straight to the diet. My GP, GI
and I were pretty convinced. My GF diet has made me mostly sympton free
for 4 years.

Heres the caviot (sp?). When I have an increase/episode of symptons
now, sometimes I wish I had that baseline. When I have symptoms, my
worst fear is that I'm treating the wrong thing. Then I get rational
and work at finding the 'hidden' gluten in my diet, or at least assume
it was there. And review the facts and logic behind the no biopsy
decision. But I have to say, theres always the tiniest question
mark in the back of my head. So, I guess my thought is that is we
lived in an absolute world, then you'd go GF, be completely
symptonless forever and know you had the right diagnosis. Thats a
rare scenerio so I would suggest you think about the question in
all the 'shades of grey' you will probably encounter. I've been
asking myself, as I write this (and other times) whether I would
do it differently, in hindsight. Probably not. Of course, we wish
there were
never any tiny questions but ... yeah, well, c'est la guerre.


Brenda A. Graham
[log in to unmask]
Admin. Computing, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.