<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi folks,

I went to my GI visit yesterday.  He seemed very nice, and not condescending,
and wanted to try a number of tests based on stool samples (parasites, blood in
the stools, antibiotic-resistant bacteria) and some of the celiac tests.

I asked him whether I needed to be on gluten or not before the celiac tests, and
he said it wouldn't matter.  I seem to recall from the list that it does matter.
So I just took the lab slip home and will go back when I have an answer.

The tests that he ordered are:

Anti-gliadin antibody
Anti-endomysial antibody
Chem-12 profile:  glucose, bun, creatinine, uric acid, phosphate, calcium,
      prot. total, albumin, bili. total, ast (sgot), ldh, alk. phos.

Can anyone tell me what all these tests are and how they would help diagnose
persistent diarrhea?  I know that the anti-gliadin test in the celiac diagnosis
one.  Is there any other tests that I should ask for?

Also, if I need to be on wheat for the purpose of these tests, how long before?
(On one hand, I feel like going hog-wild at the prospect of being able to eat
wheat again.  On the other, I remember how gluten makes me feel and it grosses
me out to think about it.)  I've been off most gluten (not all the subtle forms
I didn't know about) for 8 years.

Thank you in advance for all your help.
