<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

In <[log in to unmask]>, on 02/09/97
   at 08:41 PM, [log in to unmask] said:

>>Any Celietic (Celiac/Diabetic's) familiar with the new wave of "insulin
>>sensitizer" drugs newly available for type 2 diabetics? I would
>>appreciate any discussion from those who have both diseases regarding
>>this mode of treatment in general.

>>Also: Listowners: Would like this concept thrown in the Cel-Pro arena as
>>to what overall recommendation they might have regarding this new
>>approach to diabetic care/ specifically for diabetics w/ Celiac.

5% of celiacs also have Type I diabetes due to one of each's genes being
nearby (10 times higher incidence than in the general population).
Appropriate for the list and for the celiac professionals since they deal
with immune matters (70% of the immune cells are in the GI tract).

5% of celiacs have Type II diabetes, just as in the general population.
Type II is not an autoimmune disease, but a metabolic disease. An
endocrinologist, perhaps consulting with a gastroenterologist, is most
appropriate for medical advice. There are suitable on-line groups on the
Internet, on CompuServe and on AOL. The CompuServe group is head and
shoulders above any of the Internet groups, though  CompuServe's future is

As for celietic, I don't like adjectives turned into nouns. I have Type I
diabetes. I have celiac disease.  Both are chronic, heavily genetic,
diseases. (For those who don't like the word disease, look in the
dictionary.) If an adjective it must be, perhaps celiabetic?

                                             Kemp Randolph
                                             Long Island
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