>....snip... All the filth diseases of the last century
>went away with cleanliness, except one: smallpox, the only one we immunized

Sorry, Tom, that isn't correct. I invite you to check with CDC here in
Atlanta, 1-404-639-3534. Such a broad and inaccurate statement could lead
readers to underestimate such killers as Salmonella and pathogenic E.coli,
to name two very common diseases of filth, and the statement about smallpox
would dangerously lead readers to believe that this killer was loosed on the
world because of innoculations, which fallacy requires but a glance at
statistics to erase---this killer is still virtually eradicated, only a
pocket has erupted again, because of stupidity. To fear the benefit of
innoculations because of the (yes, real) rare adverse reaction is to retreat
from a healthy community to the dark ages.

Perhaps your brief note on this subject during the lecture reminded you of a
fuller discussion, but the note itself as presented, I maintain, is
dangerous to our health.

It is not necessary to falsely condemn workable, productive medical fact in
order to launch a controversial theory; in fact, it is counterproductive. I
am trying hard, after a career in medical technology, to open my mind to
these new and surely better approaches to health--depending as they do on
what we ingest, breathe--surely a better way??

But for crying out loud, don't throw out the baby with the dishwater, now
heah? (as we say in the south!)
