>"Most present day Hindus are not vegetarian (though almost all avoid
>beef). Their Hindu/vegetarian culture does not make them any more
>peaceful (or honest, or anything else..)
>Personally I have found the Buddhist and Jain cultures (the latter is
>strictly vegetarian, while the former is not) more peaceful.

Ric here,

Just one more input to this issue:  My own experience jibes completely with
what you've outlined here; not just historically, but in real life.

I suspect strongly that it is wishful thinking to believe that
vegetarianism itself contains the seeds of non-violence, as is so often
claimed.  Probably more important are the issues over which one holds to
their vegetarian or vegan practices.

We all know that Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian much of the time, but his
reasons were purely selfish (obviously), as has been the case of many
another well known and not so well known veggie practitioner.  I've
personally known some extremely angry individuals, prone to violence at the
drop of a pin, who practiced vegetarianism quite religiously.

Ostensibly, the major teaching of Jesus was one of non-violent passivism,
of using love as the major element in one's life, yet we all know the
historical record of the crusades, inquisition, etc., all of which were, of
course, conducted under the banner of Christ...the cross.  Modern Ireland
surely brings that story up to date.

The very issue of non-violence itself can, of course, lead to the practice
of veganism, and then it might be more reasonable to presume that this sort
of individual was more motivated towards not commiting unecessary violence
to achieve any personal goals.

Another thought.
