> He [Sears] is very down on arachidonic acid (AA) which why he advises against
> eating egg yolks. This is one of his weaker points and I choose to go
> with the PPNF (Price Pottenger Nutritional Foundation) and instincto
> line on this one. Even many dedicated zoners do not follow him on this
> point and eating the egg raw would make no difference with respect to
> AA. As for cholesterol I am convinced that vegans are cholesterol
> deficient, so raw eggs with the yolk are on top of my list - leave a
> few for me. :-)

Hi Peter,

I am curious as to why you are convinced that vegans are cholestorol
deficient.  A year ago I stopped eating cooked eggs (I've never eaten
them raw) because of the cholesterol content.  I thought that the lower
the LDL the better.

Be glad of life because it gives you a chance to love
and to work and to play and to look up at stars.

-Henry Van Dyke