
I just read about your recent trip to the Raw Restaurant in SFO.  Isn't
that place great?  I went there twice when I was in SFO around the end of
January.  It's a really cool place.  The atmosphere was totally laid back
(California-style).  And the food was awesome.  A little on the expensive
side, but very high quality.  I didn't like the pizze' as much as I liked
their lava soup (made with carrot juice and whipped avocado and a few
spices).  That soup was out of this world.  I'd love to try and make it at
home.  I also tried one of their desserts (I think it was a carob torte).
Very good.

It was so amazing to actually be able to order anything on the menu.  Such
a treat.  I brought my friend and a couple of her friends there for lunch.
They couldn't figure out the significance of eating all-raw.  So I had to
do a lot of explaining that day.  But it was worth it.

I would strongly urge any of you, if you have a chance to get out to San
Francisco, please go to this restaurant and see it for yourself.  It's a
great experience.  And we need to support these guys so they can stay in
business (and maybe make a profit).  Another beacon amidst the cooked-food
darkness that surrounds us.

Shawn Luca