Nieft / Secola wrote:

> >Cooked food is not only a cause of health problems but also of the
> >crazy modern nervous behaviours called wars, urban violence, rioting...

> Perhaps that's a bit overstated, Bruno?

Perhaps. But I do believe that raw food plays a major role if not the
major role, in a number of abnormal human behaviours commonly observed,
and in the average degree of nervousness of an individual or of
populations. Since 10 years I have done something like 50.000
measurements with the Stressometer on raw and cooked eaters. Rawies are
not always calm, and cookies not always nervous, and each of us sees his
microscopic nervous tremor move up and down depending on daily stress,
work, food, powersleep or yoga sessions, making love or not, exceptions
or not to the diet... But, on the average, raw eater's microscopic
tremor at rest in the 3 to 20 Hz zone is about half that of those on a
"normal" cooked diet. This is very clear : when you take any group of 10
persons including some raw and some non-raw, the raw ones almost always
get the lower and better TNR (Tremor of the Nervous System) scores. On
the opposite, nicotine, caffeine, and cooked cereals, especially whole
grain bread, have the most intense effect and produce a high increase in
the TNR levels. However the high level TNR people also have high
variations in their TNR levels and therefore are sometimes as low as raw
eaters, enough for the rule not to be absolute, but they will bounce up
again at another moment, while the raw non-smoker's results are both
lower (on the average) and more stable.

If you don't beleive me, check by yourself. Results can and have
repeatedly been obtained both by measuring human tremor or on mice

If you don't have a stressometer but have raw children or if you
practise a fairly strict raw diet and have been strictly abstaining from
all neuroactive drugs (including cooked foods and heated cereals) for at
least a few months, the experiment of eating whole grain bread and/or
drinking coffea and/or smoking is very instructive. In a few minutes
(cigarette or coffea) or 1/2 hour (neuroactive foods), it makes you feel
(or makes your children act) as if you'd been taking neuroleptics of
some kind. Dreams, behaviours, nervosity, subjective stress are

This I believe and have observed, does lead much more easily and in a
not-well-controlled way, to disputes, agressivity, insatisfaction and
various disorders. On a whole population, it could logically trigger
wars, jealousy, or other forms of nervous tensions between groups of
population more easily than would have been the case in nature.

But I do agree that sexual jealousy, social injustice, etc, also play a
role. Violence obviously does exist in nature in all primates and animal
groups. Even insects which I spent years observing can be violent enough
to reach, but these forms of violence I beleive are controlled by nature
(or "instinct") and respond to a specific need useful for the

Jealousy or violent impulses in sexual relations or human relations I
beleive are the consequence of mistakes, and are there to point out
these mistakes. But cooked food will amplify them so much that they
don't even play their role anymore.

Humanity would surely be very different and more peaceful with another
type of nutrition.

Algerians and a number of muslim countries have fanatical attitudes
today. Those countries are also those on the planet who eat the highest
percentage of whole bread or flour-foods. Given the Stressometer
data,... it isn't stupid at all to imagine that food is the major factor
in making populations nervous or stresed or fanatical, this being
enhanced or triggered by the well known other social, overpopulatio,
sexual and so on factors. Hitler was a vegetarian, but he was also a
regular whole-bread eater (like many vegetarians)... In fact, whole
grain bread and cigarettes have much more effect on the nervous system
(at least according to stressometer measurements) than eating meat (even
cooked) and I would think that the abnormal neuroactive molecules in the
bread of Hitler's vegetarian diet is what made him crazy (+ of course,
or enhanced by, his own personal, sexual, etc., history). In some cases,
personal, historical situations can also be enough to put you off-track
even if you are on a strict raw diet (not so easily though).

Myself, I used to be rather jerky when I was a greedy vegan whole grain
bread eater in the early 80's before coming to a raw intinctive and
insect diet.

When a subject is vital and unknown it may be more useful to overstate
it a little bit to attract attention to it. In a sense, your response
shows that at least there's a reaction and my overstatement was at least
useful to trigger an exchange.

But you're right, raw food isn't everything. Health and happiness is a
larger program...

Please receive my rawest salutations.

Bruno COMBY.

A few pages of info on the Tremor Monitor - Stressometer (in English) :