>Thank you so much for your time in catching me up to alternative therapists
>, Ric, that was a great deal of work. It took me a great number of years
>(med.tech.microbiologist) to undo do the brainwashing of the medical
>industry's training, I've been more than a little skeptical, because there
>are many very good and caring physicians out there who are also brainwashed
>about "other", but doing a fine job in their chosen field and training.. I'm
>often pretty cynical, but it is of the bottom line approach, the waste in
>hospitals,the viscious restraints and attacks on alternative medicine
>without (it seemed to me) an open mind.

There sure is a dirth of "open minds" in that brainwashing industry...but
isn't that just typical human nature at one of its worst facets?

>There is room for all, and the
>intelligent thing, it seems to me, would be for each to pursue all avenues
>vigorously; quite a few do who see the door opening (and the bottom line,
>too, I don't really object to paying well for care which heals without
>horror, it's a gruelling job). They are caught in a trap, many of them,
>exhausted from the horrendous responsibilities, the failures, the awareness
>of their limitations, without time to be comforted by their successes or to
>ardently pursue additional methodology. They have to be very bright and
>tough to survive med. school, and income is only part of the lure, I'm sure.
>But the AMA ...ARRRRGH!!

You sure do describe the ugly scenario with the accuracy of someone who's
been on the inside long enough to know the tragic truth.

>The burgeoning sites on the web, offering free avenues to self education on
>what, how, where, who,...and why....is not being lost on the rut sleepers.
>Things are getting better, and I'm very positive of the direction now, there
>is a lot of fresh air blowing.In the meantime, I am typical of a bus driver
>who's day off he takes his wife for a ride on the bus...I am still
>fascinated by the medical field, and am still thrilled by the  new breed of
>Paul de Kruif's "Microbe Hunters", the frontier is just barely being seen,
>let alone conquered...it's so exciting!!!!

You are right about there being some sparklers among the dung...I've got a
number of MD friends who are genuinely care oriented and honestly trying to
locate the truth...and they are all willing to admit they were brainwashed.

>Thanks for your very friendly help and kind remarks, that's good medicine!!

Thank YOU!

Ric Lambart