Hi all,

I've been watching all those raw messages flying back and forth and find
this raw newsgroup very interesting if not exciting, so here I am,
little instinctive frenchy rawy plugging in!

Good job, Peter !

Roy P D'Souza wrote:
> Eating just the raw egg whites and risking the B deficiency, or
> including the yolks.

Why not try giving your instinct a chance to choose instead of going
into mental dietetic typically medical choices of mentally "prescribing"
foods to yourself ? Vitamin D or other analytical reasoning is not
really the question if your choice of fruits, vegetables, nuts and RAI
is varied enough, if your foods are instinctive quality, and your choice
is made by instinct. If the yolks taste good, just eat them. If they
don't taste good for you, maybe your dog will appreciate them, or one of
your raw friends. If no one happens to like the yolks around you, which
may happen (rats and dogs, like instinctive humans, generally, but not
always, prefer the bulk to the yolk, but often eat both), then use it as
compost to grow your vegetables.

Roy P D'Souza wrote:
>My cholesterol was extremely high even when I was
> a vegan. I don't want to take any risks

I've seen a number people eating high levels of raw animal protein for
years, including a dozen eggs a day with a normal (for raw, very low,
according to official average standards) 1.0 to 1.5 g/l of cholesterol

> till I have more facts than just
> a passing reference in Severen's book that whole raw eggs will not
> hurt.

Note : Severen never practised the diet more than a few weeks a couple
of times. His book is mainly the echo of the raw experiences of the
french instinctive groups.

> One thing that bothers me is that I'm starting to look too thin. I'm
> normally 6'2" and 190-200lb. I was about 180lb when I started the
> experiment. Now I'm down to about 175 after six weeks of raw, and I
> don't want to get any thinner. I don't think I'm losing any significant
> muscle mass, but for my own vain reasons, I think I need to gain more
> muscle to compensate for the fat I'm losing. (I'm losing it everywhere
> else except around my stomach :-().

Non-instinctive raw practise with powders and mixed-raw doesn't seem to
work as well as instinctive raw on one hand, and on the other, it may be
useful for the body to lose some weight in the beginning (detox) to
stabilize at optimal health weight after one year or so.

> I have raw egg-whites, barley green powder and fruit for lunch (try to
> stay in the zone.) Actually, I have two lunches at 10/11AM and 3/4PM.
> At 8PM have sashimi or egg-whites, followed by a creative salad of
> sprouts, veggies, avocado, seaweed. Finally fruit. (I have been adding
> brewer's yeast and miso - I wonder if this violates raw.)

Miso preparation includes a heating process, I think. Yeast and miso,
even if raw are not instinctive because they require industrial
preparation and could not be found identicaly in nature. THerefore our
enzymes and instinct would not be adapted to them and their consumption
could cause some problems.

>The de-toxification has a cathartic effect on the mind and emotions: I feel I'm calmer and
> happier. Maybe it is because my body is less tense. WOW! all this stuff in 6 weeks!

Raw and instinctive nutrition improves the mind and state of
consciousness as much as it detoxes the body. This may be , to my sense,
one of the major benefits of a raw diet, improved consciousness, more
fluid emotions, and a more fundamental, mind-expanded and grounded
connexion to the cosmos. Cooked food is a cause of intense stress and
pressure on the nervous system. This can be measured easily with the
stressometer we've developped here : eating raw foods easily doubles
your microscopic hand tremor level (a few microns of amplitude). It's
easy to prove how cooked foods directly affects your nervous system.
Measures in a group of people including raw and cooked eaters always end
up with raw eater's hand tremor twice lower than other's. The same has
been observed on mice fed raw or cooked diets.

Cooked food is not only the cause of health problems but also of the
crazy modern nervous behaviours called wars, urban violence, rioting...

> I thought it would take months of detox pains first. I think
> cassia is awesome!

It is, especially in the beginning and even afterwards is still useful
even though not as critically necessary.

> My flexibility doesn't appear to have improved though, and my Yoga is
> about the same (a bit less pleasurable as I described earlier).

Tremor measurements have also documented this effect of "less
plelasurable relaxation effects" very precisely on large groups. People
on a raw diet don't benefit as much from yoga or relaxation (5 or 10%
improvement of the scores only compared to 30% on a cooked diet) as
those on a cooked diet, because they are already more relaxed before
starting the realxation session or yoga exercizes than the cooked
subjects after yoga (30% benefit).

Raw without yoga : basic normal tremor reference, let's say level 20.
Cooked before yoga : usually about twice higher, 30 to 60 or more tremor
Cooked after yoga or relaxation : down to 20 to 50 (30% lower on the
average) but still higher in most caes than the raw people even if they
don't relax or practise yoga.

The raw group practising yoga sometimes experiences some tremor
improvement, but generally not or not as much, because a raw eater is
seldom stressed (or not as much) and normally stays at the normal basic

If the raw diet is properly followed yoga in fact may not even be
necessary at all, and could be on the extreme considered like religions
as just another one of those modern mental non-instinctive neurotic
systems to alleviate our pain and mistakes, and prescribe exercizes that
may be useful in some cases, but detrimental in others. Better listen to
your body. He knows best. Some daily movement and exercize is of course
necessary (walking, running, swimming, movement, instinctive dancing...)
but not in the form of repetitive neurotic exercizes, more "instinctive"
exercizes like walking dancing or fooling around in the sun is

More info on the Stressometer / tremor monitor :


Peter, I appreciate your moderating talents.

Sincerely yours. With best regards.
