Hi Kirt,

>I share your impression. This grounding is very apparent compared to a
>vegan diet in my experience. And, perhaps surprisingly, there is another
>side to the RAF issue for many instinctos: "advanced" RAF like aged fatty
>fish, aged meat, bone marrow, and even shellfish, when attractive, provide
>a pycho-physical rush that can only be compared to a mild buzz. In my
>experience, this buzz takes effect within five minutes after consumption,
>and may last as long as an hour or two or more. It is not a disconnected
>feeling, and not like a sugar high, but something very pleasant and
>"centered". You _know_ when experiencing it that your cells are basking in
>the long-absent nutriment of primo RAF. One feels a bit like superman, but
>with both feet on the ground, so to speak. Bee larvae has led to this
>sensation whenever I have eaten it. Further, my experiments with raw butter
>show a similar effect.

I get a mild, euphoric buzz (unlike the frentic coffee thing)
from eating sashimi.

>This is very interesting, but I'm not sure I understand because I don't
>know what a "delta" is. Are you saying that yoga isn't giving you the
>satisfaction it did before because you are feeling better overall, that
>our "baseline" is higher so the boost from yoga isn't as pronounced?

Yes, I'm not as stressed out and ragged when I get back home to do Yoga.
By the way, Julia Lorimer is a Yoga fanatic too, and we share the same
Yoga teacher, Ramanad Patel. (Julia goes to his SF classes, while I go
to his San Jose classes.) Julia told me that Ramanand was so impressed
with her improvements with anopsology that he is going to give it a
try himself.

>Still, it is hard to get really good eggs in the USA. Lots of them are
>marketed as "free-range" but are always given prepared feeds as well. Then
>again, when people really have the taste for them, it doesn't seem to
>matter if they are of the highest quality, but it would be best if they
>were. (One way--but certainly not instincto--to eat raw eggs is to use the
>yolk as a salad dressing. Its pretty good really. I did so for a while
>hoping to unblock for eggs, but to no avail.:(

I found one particular brand of the ones that claim "free-range", "naturally
fed" at Whole Foods. I don't remember the name, but it is the most expensive.
(About 3+ $). It appears to be the tastiest of all.

>But Roy, I must tell you that we could care less about fresh meat or fresh
>fish fillets. Sashimi is preeeetty boring; at its best pleasant and at its
>worst bland with a bad "mouthfeel". Fresh meat is often tough, acrid. Other
>people do have a taste for fresh flesh and fish fillets, and some
>instinctos never get into aged RAF. But not us! Though, of course, we
>initially cut our teeth (so to speak) on fresh RAFs.

I know that I will have to go for aged and cured RAF (I'll start with fish).
But I have to be discreet about it, or I'll have serious marital problems.
I plan to get an Excaliber dehydrator, then hide my experiments inside  it.

>(POLARICA at (800) 426-3872 distributes game meats, much of which is the
>highest-quality meat commercially available in the USA. They are located in
>San Francisco, but will mail order $150 minimums. They will also mail you a
>catalog free for the asking. One could also ask them if there are any
>retailers of their game products near you...)

Thanks! I just called and ordered a catalog.

>Unfortunately, the inclusion of RAF in an all-raw regime is no assurance of
>mental balance--as Guy-Claude Burger has shown for decades. Fringe people
>are attracted to (and apparently invent) fringe diets, and the best food is
>no assurance that emotional problems with be dealt with as they come to the
>fore. One women in Farnce put it this way to me: "Instincto doesn't solve
>your problems--it only helps bring them up into the open to be solved--or
>not." Her words impressed me then as they matched my own experience. And I
>am reminded of her words often as I watch the goings on in the raw foods

Whatever his shortcomings, the man is a Genius.
Reminds me of BKS Iyengar, my teacher's teacher. The man is a Yoga Genius,
but other than that he is a psychotic. I guess I have to seperate the
message from the messanger.

>Many people have a time of weight loss after which weight returns to normal
>levels. Of course, this has long been the line used in NH as well, though
>the weight often never returns (so one shops around for a new ideation, CR
>perhaps?). But there are no universals. I gained ten pound immediately on
>instincto (from 165 on Fit for Life) to 175. When I eat "freely" of avos
>and have lots of RAF available I gain another ten pounds to 185. I consider
>185 to be overweight for my build and it pisses me off to a degree, because
>then I am back at the old dietary of restriction in some way. The point
>being that there is a variety of individual experience and you won't really
>know what yours is until you experience it!

I confess that after Julia mentioned that the men at Pangaia are "buff" because
they eat lots of raw meat, I went out and tried a little raw beef. It was
the most disgusting thing that I had ever done in my life. The taste stayed
in my mouth for a few days, accompanied by stomach cramps. There - I got it
off my chest.
I think my next foray into meats will probably be chicken, after ample use
of the forthcoming dehydrator.

I'm comfortable with eggs and raw fish, but I have to eat them past the taste
change to meet Sears' zone equation. Maybe I could take Peter's advice and
add Spirulina. (Bee pollen?)

Thanks for the information, and for your encouragement!
