>The "light disconnected feeling" may be due to a zinc deficiency.  Since
>the body does not store zinc reserves deficiency symptoms can show up
>pretty soon.  The RAF is high in zinc.

By a remarkable coincindance, a few years ago, while I was a vegan,
a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner did a pulse diagnosis and
said that I was deficient in Zinc, and that I should eat meat for this
reason, and due to my digestive system being weak. Of course, I reacted
in true vegan style by not visiting her again.
Maybe I am boderline zinc deficient, and going raw vegan exacerbated

>Have you had your choleterol checked since you have been all raw?  Maybe
>it is no longer so high.  And even if it is high there is some question as
>to whether cholesterol levels really matter.

Late last year I checked my cholesterol levels as a prelude to an Instincto
experiment. (You know, check before and after...)
However, the levels came out so high that it scared me away from RAF.
After I that I read Severen's book and became bolder.
I plan to re-check the levels after a significant period on raw+RAF (perhaps
6 months or so).

Thanks Mike!~
