> The other change I made in my raw experiment this time was the addition
> of RAF (egg whites and sashimi). This seems to have made a difference as
> well. On my previous vegan raw diets, after a few days I get a light,
> disconnected feeling, which is pleasant and unpleasant at the same time.
> It seems that the RAF has a kind of "grounding" effect. i.e. routine
> aches and tensions are still draining out, yet I remain comfortably
> connected with my body, if that makes any sense.

The "light disconnected feeling" may be due to a zinc deficiency.  Since
the body does not store zinc reserves deficiency symptoms can show up
pretty soon.  The RAF is high in zinc.

> I was inspired by Zephyr's book, and by Kirt, to give the cassia a shot,
> and I'm really grateful. A couple of things still bother me:
> Eating just the raw egg whites and risking the B deficiency, or
> including the yolks. (My cholesterol was extremely high even when I was
> a vegan. I don't want to take any risks till I have more facts than just
> a passing reference in Severen's book that whole raw eggs will not
> hurt.)

Have you had your choleterol checked since you have been all raw?  Maybe
it is no longer so high.  And even if it is high there is some question as
to whether cholesterol levels really matter.
