
		birds brand

			selected durian chanee

				to be weighed upon retail

					product of thailand

	the above i found on the tag to my first durian (plus some
chinese-looking characters) (minus the "aloha!").  not what i expected.
thank you to tierra true for traveling to san francisco and convincing
the shopkeeper, who had "already put the durian in the freezer," to part
with such a fruit for only (?!) $8.  good going, new food spirit!  look
for tierra's debut letter in the all-new nhm2m #29.

	big ole' seeds!!  big ole' rind!!!  spiky, too.  and that smell!
not pleasant, but made up for with *taste*!  already split a bit on the
side, i removed the white plastic mesh bag from the brown & green spiky
fruit, saving the tag for future enjoyment.  finding the fruit naturally
splitting into various (7? 8?) sections, i ate the flesh off the 2 or 3
seeds in each section.  of the six people in the room, i ate the most
(maybe half).  my girlfriend *really* did *not* like the smell.  wouldn't
do more than taste-test.  one person didn't even try it.  my compost
still hasn't decided how it feels about this new member to the community.
dazzling sights & smells...

enduring durian,