Hi Peter,

I'm looking for advice on raw forms of protein.
I'm doing a "zone-favorable" raw diet. Sears' book tells me that I'm
not getting enough protein. Currently I'm using raw egg whites and
raw tuna/salmon.
It is interesting that Barry Sears tends to dump foods into one of the
three categories. (Only with tempeh and milk does he concede somewhat
and call them a "balance".)
Instinctos, on the other hand, fill their "protein slot" with corn, avocados,
nuts, etc..

I don't think I'm ready to eat raw meat. Therefore I'm looking for suggestions
on good, preferably lower-fat, sources of protein.

I guess protein powder would defeat the raw purpose, unless it is freeze dried.
Is there such a thing?

One final question, Sears seems to be really down on egg yolks. Due to the
arachnoids (did I get that right?). This seems to be in conflict with Severen's
book, which quotes another book, "enzyme nutrition", that eggs in their raw form
actually *lower* serum cholesterol levels. Maybe this it is the case that Sears
is describing the effect of cooked eggs only?
