Here are the web pages on zinc deficiency I said I would post.  I keyed
the address incorrectly earlier and they didn't post.

The following is from


                             Health Haus™
                                    Symptoms & Solutions
                                     Zinc Deficiency
                         If you exhibit 3 or more of the following symptoms, you may be
   deficient in zinc:
     * Poor sense of smell and taste
     * Poor wound healing
     * Scaly, inflamed skin
     * Loss of appetite
     * Poor digestion
     * Poor nail growth
     * White spots on the fingernails
     * Dull, slow growing hair
     * Frequent frontal headaches
     * Acne
     * Tendency toward allergies
     * Stunted growth in children
     * Depression and other mental disorders
     * Cravings for carbohydrates, particularly wheat products
     * Difficulty controlling blood sugar
     * Aggressive, hostile behavior or feelings
     * Lowered immune function
     * Oral contraceptive use
         Zinc requires B1 and B6 to work, so be sure to use a
   multi-vitamin/mineral supplement that provides a balance of all
   essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Zinc can be taken
   throughout the day, at your convenience.
     Suggested dose range: If you notice a large number of these deficiency
   symptoms, you may wish to use up to 50 mg. of zinc per day (blended
   with amino acids). Make sure you are also getting 2 mg. of copper in
   your supplement each day to balance the zinc appropriately.

                     [INLINE] Health Haus™[INLINE]
                    Copyright 996 Health Haus, Inc. All rights reserved. Disclaimer:
   The information provided in these pages is for educational purposes
   only and is not intended as medical advice or treatment. Please
   consult your health care practitioner should a need for medical
   treatment be indicated.